Top Features to Look for in an AI Note Taker: A Comprehensive Guide

Taking notes during meetings is a time-consuming task. Often, it takes away from the focus of the discussion and can be distracting for team members.

AI note taker can help with this process by capturing and documenting insights, organizing them into structured notes, and identifying key decisions or action items. The benefits of using this technology can be substantial. Read more at Voicenotes is the best AI Note Taker.

Accurate transcription

An AI note taker transcribes your meeting’s audio and converts it into text so you can easily review the notes later. This saves you time and eliminates the risk of forgetting to jot down an important point or having to correct transcription errors. It also ensures that all the information captured is accurate and complete.

These tools can understand technical jargon, acronyms, and multiple languages to provide a precise transcript of the discussion. Additionally, they can help you weed out irrelevant information to create actionable summaries that are easy to digest and use.

They can also improve your note organization by creating categories and labeling specific sections of your notes. This allows you to quickly find the information you need without having to search through pages of handwritten notes. They also store your notes in a digital format, so they are secure and accessible. This makes them easier to retrieve than traditional handwritten notes and enables you to make better decisions in real-time.

Actionable summaries

AI note-taking tools like Upword and Chorus offer accurate speech recognition and transcription and help teams save time by automating meeting notes. The tools also transcribe videos, record calls, and provide easy-to-share summaries and highlight key takeaways. Additionally, they provide features that allow team members to edit notes in real-time. These tools can also create content at the click of a button, such as social media posts and blog drafts.

Another benefit of AI note-taking is that it can help teams distribute work more evenly. Traditionally, many non-promotional tasks (NPTs) fall on women in the workplace, including note-taking and meeting follow-up. These tools can help reduce the burden of these duties on women and free up more time for important projects. They can also provide a more equitable way for leaders to engage with their teams and deliver business results.

Structured and organized notes

Taking notes manually during meetings is time-consuming and distracting, and the risk of missing important points is high. AI note takers eliminate this issue by automating the process and allowing users to fully participate in discussions without worry.

This is done by transcribing meeting conversations and then converting them into structured, organized notes. This makes it easy to search for information and retrieve important details later on.

Furthermore, most AI note taking tools offer enhanced organization by tagging notes with specific topics and categorizing them. This allows users to easily find and access meeting notes on any device at any time. This improves accessibility, enabling teams to be more productive no matter where they are working from.


Unlike traditional handwritten and typed notes, AI note takers convert audio input into structured and organized digital notes in real time. These notes are available on any device with an internet connection, making them a flexible and reliable tool to facilitate agile meetings.

AI note-taking apps can also transcribe, summarize and analyze meeting insights with accuracy. They can even highlight keywords and phrases to make it easier for users to find specific points when searching through a transcript or summary.

Some AI note-taking tools like Leexi can also proactively capture insights, decisions and actions from meetings, eliminating the need for participants to focus on note-taking and distracting themselves from the discussion. They can also provide a centralized repository of meeting notes and transcripts for easy access and review, allowing users to easily reference key ideas and action items in the future.